The short history of the company:



1991-2002 - Possessing international experiences


The general partnership Galagol has been founded by three entrepreneurs. The main activity of the company was coating at that time. Beside the works in Hungary the company undertook significant volume of executions in Germany. The company had been assuring above average income to its employees for years. The coworkers learn and experience that quality plays the biggest role in their work and the taken job has to be completed by deadline. The company tried to make good use of its international work experience on the Hungarian market. In the late 90’s many international firms have been founded in the region of Szekszárd. These companies were active mainly in the automotive industry. Thanks to the strong command of German language and the work experience gained in Germany, the company had the opportunity to participate in the investments and construction of the depots and of these German companies.


2002-2005 - On the bases of services


The company has been transformed into Galagol Ltd. Thanks to the bigger and bigger volume of works the company has become stable and was in possession of more and more construction machines, cars and tools. The company has bought a depot and an office in Tolna at this time. Due to numerous construction demands the company has developed from subcontractor to general constructor. In this period of time the corporation has undertaken many autonomous works. The company acquired the building of the primary school of Gerjen in 2003 and has built a business house together with the tenants which furthermore serves the community.

Galagol Kft.


2005-2007 - Alterations in the company


In 2005 the owners of Galagol Ltd. have founded separate companies and the activity of Galagol Ltd. has been confined to operation of the business house. At this time László Dobai and Mrs Dobai have established the Volton-Bau Plc. and the field of activity has been widened. Thanks to the trust of the German investors the company could execute many projects. The high level of technical quality is acknowledged by the investors the way that they make the company execute the construction of their family houses in Hungary. The field of activity was further widened with cleaning services thus the facilities built on behalf of the German investors are being cleaned by the company as well.


2007 - Changes


In 2007 many changes have taken place in the life of the company. Volton-Bau Plc bought out the part-owners of Galagol Ltd. and decided to merge the two companies and founded Volton-Bau Ltd. Therefore the new organization can be the successor of the general partnership Galagol founded in 1991. The field of activity has been widened with commercial profile in 2007 thus a convenient store, angler’s and farmer’s shop and an internet café are being operated in the business house Galagol. The construction of the depot of Jako Ltd got started in spring 2007 and has been finished by the end of the year.


2008 - The field of activity will be widened


In 2008 Volton-Bau (owned by László Dobai and Mrs. Dobai) has extended its field of activity with cleaning services, commercial activities, and gardening services in order to have multiple sources of income. The company has started the execution of building a new office facility in the centre of Gerjen. The works have been completed by the end of this year and the company has taken possession of the new building.


2009 - Standing on stable ground


The economic crisis in 2009 had an impact on us as well. Thanks to our endurance, economization and support of the financial institutions we have not had to make no changes either in aspect of staffing or finance. Our company got to a milestone during this year. We had the opportunity to execute the ideas of a world wide acknowledged Swiss company in Hungary. We have joined the planning processes of this project and thus we had the chance to develop our company and to take a step higher. Therefore we have started the year 2010 with great expectations.


2010 - The expectations are met


The company has realized its plans made in 2009. In the second half of 2010 the organization has been amplified with further owners (Nándor Dobai und Barnabás Dobai). The two young family members can assure the long term development of the company. They are taking such studies at the present that match the profile of the organization. At the end of the year the company will change its status and will be transformed into a closed Inc.

Volton Bau Ltd.


2011 – Year of realisation


In the first half of the year was the developing concept of premises of Advaltch QSCH Kft transmitted. This meant building of production and store hall with the related communal buildings.

In the second half of the year finished the development of premises of Samsonite Kft as well. So we could close a successful year. With this new movement we made the decision of enveloping our company in the next year.


2012 – Year of innovation


On the basis of decisions and resolutions of 2011 began developing works. We started build a store hall in the neighbourhood of our office-block in Gerjen.

In order to adjust to the changeable market situation we extended our machinery resources and the related special skilled employees. So we can satisfy claims of private person as well.

Unfortunately great orders avoid our company in 2012, but we look forward to 2013 very optimistically because of our current promising negotiations.




Upon the successful negotiations of 2012/13, we have started the major investment of plant No. 2 of Samsonite. In parallel, the German company in the ownership interest has also started operations (KD-Immobilien GmbH) with the renovation of 100 apartments (renovation works of the UNIVERSITY HOSTEL).


The workforce of the company has increased with 5 persons and the managerial staff has increased with 1 person (Barbanás Dobai, owner).


At the end of the year, the company purchased the plant of Gerjen municipality – formerly a thread manufacturing plant – for development purposes. Thereby, a 1200-square-foot property, which is suitable for industrial activities, has become the property of the company.




The Samsonite investment was successfully completed in spring and the handover of apartments, the renovation of which started in 2013, was successfully achieved in June. This year the goal was the completion of the company-owned warehouse and official residence under topographical lot no. 194 in the centre of Gerjen.


Having finished his studies this spring, Nándor Dobai, the elder brother has also joined the management of the company so as to guarantee the future of the company by helping his brother.




This year we finished building the lodging of the company, which we want to use as a sample house in future. 4 new people joined our team; Molnár József, Rácz Norbert, Tóth Dominik and Nagy Rudolf. The blue-collar workers of the company were also enhanced by two teams of 5-5 man. We had some smaller and bigger jobs in Hungary, but half of the turnover were obtained by abroad jobs. Most of them were recoveries: a 2500 m2 industrial facility, a 5 stories high medical complex, and a 6 stories high national monument building. This year we will focus on our plans connected with the development of the nuclear plant in Paks, short and long term projects, and working together with the local government of Gerjen on the development of the village.